Jailer James A. “Jim” Daley is uniquely qualified to manage the detention center while finding better ways to operate and responsibly oversee the budget. The Campbell County Detention Center is a highly complex operation with an annual operating budget of $12 million, authorized at 120 plus employees, and certified to house over 600 inmates.

  • Our own drug treatment program is offered at the detention center.
  • We have expanded integral programs for inmates and have one of the best graduation rates for jails in the state.
  • We are the only jail in Kentucky with a mental health professional (PhD) on the payroll.



Jim Daley knows the drug crisis well. Jim spent over 12 years with Kentucky State Police Narcotics Division, and he was the Executive Director of the NKY Drug Strike Force, a multi-jurisdictional drug investigative unit. Jim Daley has also worked with local and statewide leaders to offer rehabilitation opportunities for low-level drug offenders.  The expansion of treatment options to low-level offenders in the Campbell County Detention Center reduces the recidivism in the jail, while improving the overall workforce of our community all while reducing the overall county tax obligations.



As Jailer of Campbell County, Jim Daley works diligently to be a community partner. Throughout his legal career he has been legal counsel to several fire departments, including local volunteer departments.  Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic Jim worked closely with different community partners to ensure the overall well-being and safety of his inmates and staff.   In fact, when the restricted custody center was closed due to mass commutations, Jim worked with the Northern Kentucky Cold Shelter to help safely house some of our most vulnerable citizens.



Jim Daley has established and maintained many relationships throughout his career in law. As current President of the Kentucky Jailers Association, Jim has had the privilege of representing the interest of jailers statewide. He has testified before the House Local Government Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee on important legislation aimed at better employee training, inmate rehabilitation and jail fees.  In his role as President, he has worked tirelessly to obtain better funding for county jails, to include a $4.00 per day per diem increase, the first of its kind in over 15 years.  Jim understands the importance of working with fiscal courts, and County Judge/Executives to secure state funding for the housing of state inmates, saving local taxpayers’ dollars.